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Ruoyi Shi 


2021  MFA  California Institute of the Arts, School of Art 
2019  BFA  Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), Sculpture department


2019 -2021

Lillian Disney Scholarship



Top100 Art Nova 100



Top100 New Star Art Prize



Excellent Prize in Chinese University Student by Chinese Sculpture Society 

National Scholarship

First Prize for CAFA Comprehensive Scholarship



CAFA Outstanding artwork Prize and collected by CAFA Museum        

Panama Foundation (ASA) Scholarship


Solo Exhibition 


By the Garden, Office Space Gallery Burbank, CA

Letters, translated through digestive systems, Welcome project, Wave Pool, Cincinnati, OH


Tomorrow's Comforts are Here Today, Newhall Crossings, Valencia, CA

Three or More Fish, 7313 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA

Three or More Fish, Online

I Went Down The Stream, California Institute of Arts, Valencia, CA

Selected Group Exhibition 


Uprooted Body — Alienation, Belonging, and the Poetic of Pain, a. poco. art. collective, Los Angeles, CA

Two tongues, multiple mothers, Human Resources, Los Angeles, CA

Stories Untold, Objects Reimagined. GOBI, Los Angeles, CA 

In common, ArtCrib 24, Claremont, CA

Sunrise to Sunset, Motor LA, 3700 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA

Positive Exposure, TAG Gallery, curated by Shirley Asano Guldimann, Joyce Hayashi, Sophia Quach McCabe, Museum Row, Los Angeles, CA


Virtual Reality & Perception Bending, curated by Geng Xue and Xiao Huaide, Art Museum of Central Academy of Fine Art, Beijing, China 

Cypher Blueprint, CalArts' Happenings, California Institute of Arts, Valencia, CA

The Heart of Home, 4C Gallery, San Gabriel, CA 

4C Exhibition 2023Q1, 4C Gallery, San Gabriel, CA


POLARITY, Level Ground, Los Angeles, CA


14C Art Fair, with Office Space Gallery, Jersey City, NJ

OPaf 2021(Other Places art fair), project Uncovering, Saint Pedro, CA

Interstice, curated by The Residency Project, MOTOR LA, Los Angelos, CA

re: connections CalArts 2021 MFA exhibition, curated by Audrey Min, Tin Flats, Los Angelos, CA  

SoCal MFA ’21 Juried exhibition, Online 

High Beams #4: SPF 405, curated by Labkhand Olfatmanesh, Torrance, CA

Chao Nei Xiang Wai, curated by Lillian Liang, Tai Art Museum, Shanghai, China

同乡会 / 同鄉會 / TONG XIANG HUI / 동창회 / REUNION, 888 Hill Street, Los Angelos, CA  

ForGround, P2P project, Mt. Washington, Los Angelos, CA/Online



OPaf 2020(Other Places art fair), Forever 21 Booth, Online

Prepared harp & Shadow Theatre, California Institute of Arts, Wave cave, Valencia, CA 

Heater Theatre: Show2 Handle, Lease Agreement Gallery, Lubbock, TX

CalArts Expo, California Institute of Arts, Valencia, CA

Leaky container, Online



Nowhere Better Than Here, Venice Biennale, 2306 Penmar Ave, Valencia, CA

What is an Excuse For, MFA Group Show, California Institute of Arts, Valencia, CA

The Middle of Somewhere, California Institute of Arts, Valencia, CA

The Grand Canal, The common space-The Grand Canal of The Post Intangible Heritage Era, curated by Ge Xiao, Beijing Times Art Museum, Beijing, China                                              

Art Nova 100, Guardian Art Centre, Beijing, China 

Man-Machine Integration Man-Machine Art Plan II, MoCA BEIJING, Beijing, China                       

CAFA Thesis Show, CAFA Museum, Beijing, China 



Fragmentations Fragmentations Fragmentations, Untitled Space, Shanghai, China

The Boundary of Object, CAFA Taoxichuan Museum, Jingdezhen, China



New Star 100 Art Prize Group Exhibition, Deji Art Museum, Nanjing, China

Xun Zhi Yi Ci -- Ceramic Show, CAFA Taoxichuan Museum, Jingdezhen, China               

China Sculpture Exhibition of College Students by China Sculpture Institute, Huian, China  



The temperature of Sketch, The National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China

3D in the Office - Digital Art, Beijing Design Week, Beijing, China

This is A Serious Exhibition, Beijing International Art Material Center, Beijing, China



Summer Showcase at The Residency Project, The Residency Project, Pasadena, CA


Feeler Gauge Festival. Online mini-festival of films

CalArts Thursday night, Online screening



Heater Theatre: Show2 Handle, Online screening

CalArts Thursday night, Online screening

Newhallywood Silent Film Festival - Abstract Cinema, The MAIN, Santa Clarita, CA


2024  Anderson Ranch Art Center, Snowmass Village, CO 


A(S)AP Artist in Residency, Jushua Tree, CA

ACRE Residency(Staff Sessions), Steuben, WI


ACRE residency, WI

REEF Residency, Los Angeles, CA

Hambidge Center Residency, Rabun Gap, GA

(M)ART Residency, Welcome Project, Cincinnati, OH


Residency 108, Germantown, NY

Tiny Birch AIR, Vermont, VT

Untitled Space Residency Program, Jinze, Shanghai, China

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